WAILUA – The County of Kaua‘i Office of Economic Development invites the public to a virtual meeting on transportation conditions and potential improvements in and around the Coconut Marketplace on the eastern shore of Kaua‘i. The meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 14, at 5:30 p.m., on Zoom.
Participants are asked to pre-register at the following link: https://nelsonnygaard.zoom.us/…/tZUtcu2vrDkqGN3K1pW6v8Z….
This planning project, known as the Coconut Marketplace Mobility Hub (CMMH) Plan, is envisioned as a public-private partnership for a transportation center that makes it easier for people who live, work, and visit the eastern side of the island to get around. This project will: sharpen a vision for the transportation center; estimate its effectiveness and feasibility; and develop a high-level road map for implementation.
This meeting is an opportunity to review the progress of the study, ask questions for the project team, and help articulate community goals and priorities for this project while it’s in the planning phase. The meeting builds upon previous community engagement with the project Stakeholder Advisory Group, as well as community-driven plans and policy review.
“The Coconut Marketplace Mobility Hub Plan is a valuable step towards mapping out what transportation services are needed for residents and visitors at the Coconut Marketplace with the overall goal to attempt to increase our island’s multi-modal transportation options and get more people out of cars for more of their trips,” said OED Director Nalani Brun. “Through this initiative, we aim to gather crucial feedback from stakeholders and the public to better understand how to make this project, and ultimately, build-out, a success. So many of the County and State plans indicate need for increased transit services, shuttles, biking and walking, and this plan crystalizes those services into a hub. We envision this planning work will be a template for more mobility hubs across the island, decreasing traffic and congestion and providing more sustainable choices for travel and connectivity.”
If you cannot attend the meeting but wish to keep in touch about the CMMH Plan, please reach out to Project Manager Christina Kaser at [email protected]. The project consultant is Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates who have led many transportation planning efforts on Kaua‘i.
For more information about the CMMH Plan, visit the project website at https://kauaiforward.com/coconut-marketplace-mobility…/.

Last modified: December 6, 2023