Below is a step-by-step guide to help prospective business owners start a business in Kauaʻi. The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce also produced a helpful guide titled How to Start a Business in Hawaii.
The objective of this program is to increase agricultural income and opportunities on Kauaʻi through working closely with farmer groups to assist them in obtaining resources and other assistance to solve industry problems or take advantage of opportunities. The work involves interfacing with federal and state farm agencies as well as the primarily affected on island groups in the crafting of responses to problems and opportunities.
Incorporating a long-term vision for Kauai’s agricultural industry, this Agriculture Economic Strategic Plan was created to map out forward movement with actionable objectives and tasks.
For more information, contact Niki Kunioka-Volz at [email protected].
The County’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to nurturing a thriving local economy that respects our unique cultural heritage while fostering opportunities for growth and innovation. Our mission is to empower businesses, support entrepreneurs, and create pathways to prosperity for all residents.
What We Do:
In line with the Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan, we are committed to creating a vibrant business environment that enhances town centers and supports small businesses. Through strategic investment, infrastructure improvements, and policy support, we’re laying the groundwork for a resilient economy that benefits both current and future generations.
Whether you’re an established business owner, a new entrepreneur, or a job seeker, OED is here to help you succeed and contribute to a flourishing Kauaʻi. Together, we’re building a prosperous future that respects our past and embraces innovation.
Below is a step-by-step guide to help prospective business owners start a business in Kauaʻi. The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce also produced a helpful guide titled How to Start a Business in Hawaii.
Before embarking on your new business venture, it is important to first research the viability of your business. Some useful data is available through the following links:
Creating a business plan is a critical step in ensuring you have a viable business and is a necessary step to acquire funding. A general tutorial for creating a business plan can be found here: SBA Business Plan Guide. If you need assistance reviewing or refining your business plan, you can schedule a free consultation with the Hawaii Small Business Development Center.
Identifying the costs to get your business up and running and the monthly expenditures for operation will help you determine if your business will be viable. It will also help you apply for business loans if needed. SBA has a guide to help you.
Decide on a business name and check if your business name is already in use in Hawaii, using the Business Name Search. Also consider Checking to see if website domains are available for your business’ prospective name. To find out if website domains are available, you can visit
There are several legal structures for your business: Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies. Each structure has different implications for liability and taxation. The following guide can help you review and compare the options to determine which structure best fits your business: Guide to Business Structures.
Register for a Federal Employer ID Number (EIN) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can complete this step online using EIN Assist and will receive your FEIN immediately. This step is not necessary for all businesses and will depend on your business structure.
Register your Business in Hawaii: The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Business Registration Division website allows you to register online through the Hawaii Business Express to complete the following necessary steps:
Register with Hawaii Compliance Express to obtain your Certificate of Vendor Compliance. This single certificate covers IRS, Department of Labor, DCCA and Hawaii Department of Taxation. The certificate is required if your business will receive grants or contracts.
Licenses and permits are required for businesses operating in certain industries. Additionally, permits are required at the state level for certain businesses. The links below can direct you to the appropriate State of Hawaii agencies.
Additionally, you will likely need some type of license or permit from the County of Kauaʻi Planning Department. You could need:
You can find more information about those permits on the Planning Department’s website and by reaching out to the Department at 808-241-4050
Enterprise zones offer state tax relief and other county benefits for businesses that meet the requirements and are approved. Learn more about enterprise zones here. Kauai businesses can receive exemptions from GE Tax and state income taxes for 7 years. Businesses must meet job creation requirements.
Opportunity zones are investment opportunities offering tax incentives for investors to fund development projects that create economic opportunities in designated areas. Learn more about opportunity zones here.
For more information, contact Nate Prescott at [email protected].
The Office of Economic Development-Tourism collaborates with local partners in managing and supporting Kaua’i tourism that coincides with our economic goals, cultural values and protection of natural resources. Quality of life for residents while maintaining visitor satisfaction are key objectives when directing efforts.
The full plan can be found here. – Updates of current beach conditions. – Events that celebrate Kauaʻi’s art, history, and culture. – The County of Kaua‘i’s Office of Economic Development recently launched a website aimed at informing both visitors and residents of the various transportation options available on Kaua‘i. The website includes an overview of transportation options, a map with Kaua‘i bus stops and routes, regional walking guides, and other tips for how to get around Kaua‘i without a car. Weekly blog posts educate readers on transportation related topics, such as how to reserve an airport shuttle, parking permit requirements for Koke‘e State Park, and details regarding the Hanalei Hill access schedule. – Register for a Hāʻena entry pass, along with parking or a shuttle ticket. – The Aloha Pledge is a call to action and commitment to act with aloha toward Kauai.
For more information, contact Michelle Rego at [email protected].
The objective of the County’s Energy Program is two-fold: (1) to manage, reduce, and facilitate the County’s fossil energy use through increased efficiency in both facilities and fleets, and (2) to initiate, coordinate, and partner with stakeholders and the community on innovative programs and projects in the clean energy and transportation sector.
The Energy Program launched the Kauaʻi Small Business Energy Efficiency Grant (SBEEG). This grant will operate alongside the Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative’s (KIUC) Commercial Retrofit Program, which provides funding for efficiency upgrades, including 1. air conditioning, 2. lighting, 3. motors, and 4. refrigeration. This grant, which will be managed by the Kauaʻi Economic Development Board (KEDB), will cover a percentage of labor costs associated with energy efficiency upgrades, while KIUC’s program can cover a percentage of materials costs for eligible projects. For more information and to apply, visit the program website here.
The County of Kauai is working in a Public-Private Partnership to explore the feasibility of a mobility hub and visitor information center at the Coconut Marketplace through a Mobility Hub Plan. For more information, visit our project website here.
The County of Kauai was awarded roughly $900k to expand our public charging network and install Level 3 Electric Vehicle Chargers on Kauai. We launched a public survey to get feedback for priority locations for the chargers and intend to install chargers in Koloa, Lihue, and Kapaa, aiming for island-wide fast charging coverage in coordination with HDOT’s NEVI project where they are installing Level 3 chargers on the West Side and in Princeville. Mahalo to Senator Schatz and Senator Hirono for making this joint request. Click here for more information.
The County of Kauai received a Department of Energy Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) grant in the form of technical assistance from the National Renewable Energy Lab and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The Office of Economic Development worked with a Federal/State/County/Private sector team and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute to study Kauai’s transportation system. The scope of work covered mobility data, a travel pattern analysis and emerging transportation technology, and a fast charger network. The partnering labs provided recommendations for multi-modal shift and electrification of transportation. The completed studies are available now:
Click here for more information on the award. is aimed to inform residents and visitors of the various sustainable transportation options available on Kauai.
The County of Kauaʻi will procure four battery electric buses and expand its base yard to prepare the infrastructure needed to transition its fleet to electric buses by the year 2035 and provide the space required to expand and improve transit service quality. For more information, contact Celia Mahikoa at [email protected] and see Dept. of Transportations Announcement here.
For more information, contact Christina Kaser at [email protected].
The Kauai Film Commission’s objective is to attract, support and facilitate all aspects of today’s media industry including film, digital and still photo production on Kauai. Kauai Film Commission also assists with: is a website detailing the Film Commission and the opportunities on Kauai available to filmmakers.
Application for the County of Kauai Film Permit –
For more information, visit, email Sandy Kaauwai at [email protected], or call 808-241-4953.
This website showcases the brands and products of KauaiMade members and can guide you through becoming a member. It is an excellent resource for supporting local businesses and finding excellent products.
For more information, contact Melissia Mae Sugai at [email protected].
The County’s General Plan is governed by the overarching theme of Kauaʻi Kākou: We’re moving forward together to collectively plan for a more sustainable Kauaʻi, in the spirit of malama ‘āina (stewardship of the land). The General Plan is the first plan to adopt sustainability as an overarching goal by, “growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting resources.” With this guiding vision, the objectives of the County’s Sustainability Program are: 1) to have county government lead by example by developing, adopting, and implementing sustainable practices and policies, and 2) to support and leverage community efforts that promote island sustainability.
“Sustainability means growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting important resources.”
– Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan
The County has been awarded a Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and allows for the evaluation and preparation of a Brownfields Inventory, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and a Clean Up and/or Reuse Plan for selected brownfield site(s).
For more information, visit the project website here or contact the Sustainability Coordinator.
Collaborate and partner with educators to provide work-based learning opportunities for students to learn about climate solutions and the various careers within green workforce.
The Office of Economic Development is part of the County’s Resiliency Team which is comprised of representatives from the Kaua’i County Planning Department, Kaua’i Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor’s Office, and the University of Hawai’i Sea Grant College Program. The Resiliency Team, led by the Planning Department along with consultant Raimi + Associates, is currently developing the Kaua’i Climate Adaptation & Action Plan (CAAP) to ensure our communities continue to thrive as the climate changes.
For more information and ways to get involved, please visit
The goal of Play Streets Kaua`i is to connect communities through active play by improving community designs for safe, accessible, and equitable access to physical activity. Play Streets, a place-based, low-cost, intervention that involve temporarily closing streets to create safe places and free opportunities for active play. OED is part of the Play Streets team including the Hawaii State Department of Health, the Planning Department, Get Fit Kaua`i, Na Lei Wili Area Health Education Center, and different community organizations. The first pilot event was successfully implemented in partnership with E Ola Mau Na Leo O Kekaha as part of the Kekaha Family Fun Day event on July 2nd.
For more information, or to host your own PlayStreets event, visit our website here.
For more information, contact Ana Española at [email protected].
The objective of this program is to increase agricultural income and opportunities on Kauaʻi through working closely with farmer groups to assist them in obtaining resources and other assistance to solve industry problems or take advantage of opportunities. The work involves interfacing with federal and state farm agencies as well as the primarily affected on island groups in the crafting of responses to problems and opportunities.
Incorporating a long-term vision for Kauai’s agricultural industry, this Agriculture Economic Strategic Plan was created to map out forward movement with actionable objectives and tasks.
For more information, contact Niki Kunioka-Volz at [email protected].
The County’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to nurturing a thriving local economy that respects our unique cultural heritage while fostering opportunities for growth and innovation. Our mission is to empower businesses, support entrepreneurs, and create pathways to prosperity for all residents.
What We Do:
In line with the Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan, we are committed to creating a vibrant business environment that enhances town centers and supports small businesses. Through strategic investment, infrastructure improvements, and policy support, we’re laying the groundwork for a resilient economy that benefits both current and future generations.
Whether you’re an established business owner, a new entrepreneur, or a job seeker, OED is here to help you succeed and contribute to a flourishing Kauaʻi. Together, we’re building a prosperous future that respects our past and embraces innovation.
Below is a step-by-step guide to help prospective business owners start a business in Kauaʻi. The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce also produced a helpful guide titled How to Start a Business in Hawaii.
Before embarking on your new business venture, it is important to first research the viability of your business. Some useful data is available through the following links:
Creating a business plan is a critical step in ensuring you have a viable business and is a necessary step to acquire funding. A general tutorial for creating a business plan can be found here: SBA Business Plan Guide. If you need assistance reviewing or refining your business plan, you can schedule a free consultation with the Hawaii Small Business Development Center.
Identifying the costs to get your business up and running and the monthly expenditures for operation will help you determine if your business will be viable. It will also help you apply for business loans if needed. SBA has a guide to help you.
Decide on a business name and check if your business name is already in use in Hawaii, using the Business Name Search. Also consider Checking to see if website domains are available for your business’ prospective name. To find out if website domains are available, you can visit
There are several legal structures for your business: Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies. Each structure has different implications for liability and taxation. The following guide can help you review and compare the options to determine which structure best fits your business: Guide to Business Structures.
Register for a Federal Employer ID Number (EIN) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can complete this step online using EIN Assist and will receive your FEIN immediately. This step is not necessary for all businesses and will depend on your business structure.
Register your Business in Hawaii: The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Business Registration Division website allows you to register online through the Hawaii Business Express to complete the following necessary steps:
Register with Hawaii Compliance Express to obtain your Certificate of Vendor Compliance. This single certificate covers IRS, Department of Labor, DCCA and Hawaii Department of Taxation. The certificate is required if your business will receive grants or contracts.
Licenses and permits are required for businesses operating in certain industries. Additionally, permits are required at the state level for certain businesses. The links below can direct you to the appropriate State of Hawaii agencies.
Additionally, you will likely need some type of license or permit from the County of Kauaʻi Planning Department. You could need:
You can find more information about those permits on the Planning Department’s website and by reaching out to the Department at 808-241-4050
Enterprise zones offer state tax relief and other county benefits for businesses that meet the requirements and are approved. Learn more about enterprise zones here. Kauai businesses can receive exemptions from GE Tax and state income taxes for 7 years. Businesses must meet job creation requirements.
Opportunity zones are investment opportunities offering tax incentives for investors to fund development projects that create economic opportunities in designated areas. Learn more about opportunity zones here.
For more information, contact Nate Prescott at [email protected].
The Office of Economic Development-Tourism collaborates with local partners in managing and supporting Kaua’i tourism that coincides with our economic goals, cultural values and protection of natural resources. Quality of life for residents while maintaining visitor satisfaction are key objectives when directing efforts.
The full plan can be found here. – Updates of current beach conditions. – Events that celebrate Kauaʻi’s art, history, and culture. – The County of Kaua‘i’s Office of Economic Development recently launched a website aimed at informing both visitors and residents of the various transportation options available on Kaua‘i. The website includes an overview of transportation options, a map with Kaua‘i bus stops and routes, regional walking guides, and other tips for how to get around Kaua‘i without a car. Weekly blog posts educate readers on transportation related topics, such as how to reserve an airport shuttle, parking permit requirements for Koke‘e State Park, and details regarding the Hanalei Hill access schedule. – Register for a Hāʻena entry pass, along with parking or a shuttle ticket. – The Aloha Pledge is a call to action and commitment to act with aloha toward Kauai.
For more information, contact Michelle Rego at [email protected].
The objective of the County’s Energy Program is two-fold: (1) to manage, reduce, and facilitate the County’s fossil energy use through increased efficiency in both facilities and fleets, and (2) to initiate, coordinate, and partner with stakeholders and the community on innovative programs and projects in the clean energy and transportation sector.
The Energy Program launched the Kauaʻi Small Business Energy Efficiency Grant (SBEEG). This grant will operate alongside the Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative’s (KIUC) Commercial Retrofit Program, which provides funding for efficiency upgrades, including 1. air conditioning, 2. lighting, 3. motors, and 4. refrigeration. This grant, which will be managed by the Kauaʻi Economic Development Board (KEDB), will cover a percentage of labor costs associated with energy efficiency upgrades, while KIUC’s program can cover a percentage of materials costs for eligible projects. For more information and to apply, visit the program website here.
The County of Kauai is working in a Public-Private Partnership to explore the feasibility of a mobility hub and visitor information center at the Coconut Marketplace through a Mobility Hub Plan. For more information, visit our project website here.
The County of Kauai was awarded roughly $900k to expand our public charging network and install Level 3 Electric Vehicle Chargers on Kauai. We launched a public survey to get feedback for priority locations for the chargers and intend to install chargers in Koloa, Lihue, and Kapaa, aiming for island-wide fast charging coverage in coordination with HDOT’s NEVI project where they are installing Level 3 chargers on the West Side and in Princeville. Mahalo to Senator Schatz and Senator Hirono for making this joint request. Click here for more information.
The County of Kauai received a Department of Energy Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) grant in the form of technical assistance from the National Renewable Energy Lab and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The Office of Economic Development worked with a Federal/State/County/Private sector team and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute to study Kauai’s transportation system. The scope of work covered mobility data, a travel pattern analysis and emerging transportation technology, and a fast charger network. The partnering labs provided recommendations for multi-modal shift and electrification of transportation. The completed studies are available now:
Click here for more information on the award. is aimed to inform residents and visitors of the various sustainable transportation options available on Kauai.
The County of Kauaʻi will procure four battery electric buses and expand its base yard to prepare the infrastructure needed to transition its fleet to electric buses by the year 2035 and provide the space required to expand and improve transit service quality. For more information, contact Celia Mahikoa at [email protected] and see Dept. of Transportations Announcement here.
For more information, contact Christina Kaser at [email protected].
The Kauai Film Commission’s objective is to attract, support and facilitate all aspects of today’s media industry including film, digital and still photo production on Kauai. Kauai Film Commission also assists with: is a website detailing the Film Commission and the opportunities on Kauai available to filmmakers.
Application for the County of Kauai Film Permit –
For more information, visit, email Sandy Kaauwai at [email protected], or call 808-241-4953.
This website showcases the brands and products of KauaiMade members and can guide you through becoming a member. It is an excellent resource for supporting local businesses and finding excellent products.
For more information, contact Melissia Mae Sugai at [email protected].
The County’s General Plan is governed by the overarching theme of Kauaʻi Kākou: We’re moving forward together to collectively plan for a more sustainable Kauaʻi, in the spirit of malama ‘āina (stewardship of the land). The General Plan is the first plan to adopt sustainability as an overarching goal by, “growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting resources.” With this guiding vision, the objectives of the County’s Sustainability Program are: 1) to have county government lead by example by developing, adopting, and implementing sustainable practices and policies, and 2) to support and leverage community efforts that promote island sustainability.
“Sustainability means growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting important resources.”
– Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan
The County has been awarded a Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and allows for the evaluation and preparation of a Brownfields Inventory, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and a Clean Up and/or Reuse Plan for selected brownfield site(s).
For more information, visit the project website here or contact the Sustainability Coordinator.
Collaborate and partner with educators to provide work-based learning opportunities for students to learn about climate solutions and the various careers within green workforce.
The Office of Economic Development is part of the County’s Resiliency Team which is comprised of representatives from the Kaua’i County Planning Department, Kaua’i Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor’s Office, and the University of Hawai’i Sea Grant College Program. The Resiliency Team, led by the Planning Department along with consultant Raimi + Associates, is currently developing the Kaua’i Climate Adaptation & Action Plan (CAAP) to ensure our communities continue to thrive as the climate changes.
For more information and ways to get involved, please visit
The goal of Play Streets Kaua`i is to connect communities through active play by improving community designs for safe, accessible, and equitable access to physical activity. Play Streets, a place-based, low-cost, intervention that involve temporarily closing streets to create safe places and free opportunities for active play. OED is part of the Play Streets team including the Hawaii State Department of Health, the Planning Department, Get Fit Kaua`i, Na Lei Wili Area Health Education Center, and different community organizations. The first pilot event was successfully implemented in partnership with E Ola Mau Na Leo O Kekaha as part of the Kekaha Family Fun Day event on July 2nd.
For more information, or to host your own PlayStreets event, visit our website here.
For more information, contact Ana Española at [email protected].
The objective of this program is to increase agricultural income and opportunities on Kauaʻi through working closely with farmer groups to assist them in obtaining resources and other assistance to solve industry problems or take advantage of opportunities. The work involves interfacing with federal and state farm agencies as well as the primarily affected on island groups in the crafting of responses to problems and opportunities.
Incorporating a long-term vision for Kauai’s agricultural industry, this Agriculture Economic Strategic Plan was created to map out forward movement with actionable objectives and tasks.
For more information, contact Niki Kunioka-Volz at [email protected].
The County’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is committed to nurturing a thriving local economy that respects our unique cultural heritage while fostering opportunities for growth and innovation. Our mission is to empower businesses, support entrepreneurs, and create pathways to prosperity for all residents.
What We Do:
In line with the Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan, we are committed to creating a vibrant business environment that enhances town centers and supports small businesses. Through strategic investment, infrastructure improvements, and policy support, we’re laying the groundwork for a resilient economy that benefits both current and future generations.
Whether you’re an established business owner, a new entrepreneur, or a job seeker, OED is here to help you succeed and contribute to a flourishing Kauaʻi. Together, we’re building a prosperous future that respects our past and embraces innovation.
Below is a step-by-step guide to help prospective business owners start a business in Kauaʻi. The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce also produced a helpful guide titled How to Start a Business in Hawaii.
Before embarking on your new business venture, it is important to first research the viability of your business. Some useful data is available through the following links:
Creating a business plan is a critical step in ensuring you have a viable business and is a necessary step to acquire funding. A general tutorial for creating a business plan can be found here: SBA Business Plan Guide. If you need assistance reviewing or refining your business plan, you can schedule a free consultation with the Hawaii Small Business Development Center.
Identifying the costs to get your business up and running and the monthly expenditures for operation will help you determine if your business will be viable. It will also help you apply for business loans if needed. SBA has a guide to help you.
Decide on a business name and check if your business name is already in use in Hawaii, using the Business Name Search. Also consider Checking to see if website domains are available for your business’ prospective name. To find out if website domains are available, you can visit
There are several legal structures for your business: Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies. Each structure has different implications for liability and taxation. The following guide can help you review and compare the options to determine which structure best fits your business: Guide to Business Structures.
Register for a Federal Employer ID Number (EIN) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can complete this step online using EIN Assist and will receive your FEIN immediately. This step is not necessary for all businesses and will depend on your business structure.
Register your Business in Hawaii: The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Business Registration Division website allows you to register online through the Hawaii Business Express to complete the following necessary steps:
Register with Hawaii Compliance Express to obtain your Certificate of Vendor Compliance. This single certificate covers IRS, Department of Labor, DCCA and Hawaii Department of Taxation. The certificate is required if your business will receive grants or contracts.
Licenses and permits are required for businesses operating in certain industries. Additionally, permits are required at the state level for certain businesses. The links below can direct you to the appropriate State of Hawaii agencies.
Additionally, you will likely need some type of license or permit from the County of Kauaʻi Planning Department. You could need:
You can find more information about those permits on the Planning Department’s website and by reaching out to the Department at 808-241-4050
Enterprise zones offer state tax relief and other county benefits for businesses that meet the requirements and are approved. Learn more about enterprise zones here. Kauai businesses can receive exemptions from GE Tax and state income taxes for 7 years. Businesses must meet job creation requirements.
Opportunity zones are investment opportunities offering tax incentives for investors to fund development projects that create economic opportunities in designated areas. Learn more about opportunity zones here.
For more information, contact Nate Prescott at [email protected].
The Office of Economic Development-Tourism collaborates with local partners in managing and supporting Kaua’i tourism that coincides with our economic goals, cultural values and protection of natural resources. Quality of life for residents while maintaining visitor satisfaction are key objectives when directing efforts.
The full plan can be found here. – Updates of current beach conditions. – Events that celebrate Kauaʻi’s art, history, and culture. – The County of Kaua‘i’s Office of Economic Development recently launched a website aimed at informing both visitors and residents of the various transportation options available on Kaua‘i. The website includes an overview of transportation options, a map with Kaua‘i bus stops and routes, regional walking guides, and other tips for how to get around Kaua‘i without a car. Weekly blog posts educate readers on transportation related topics, such as how to reserve an airport shuttle, parking permit requirements for Koke‘e State Park, and details regarding the Hanalei Hill access schedule. – Register for a Hāʻena entry pass, along with parking or a shuttle ticket. – The Aloha Pledge is a call to action and commitment to act with aloha toward Kauai.
For more information, contact Michelle Rego at [email protected].
The objective of the County’s Energy Program is two-fold: (1) to manage, reduce, and facilitate the County’s fossil energy use through increased efficiency in both facilities and fleets, and (2) to initiate, coordinate, and partner with stakeholders and the community on innovative programs and projects in the clean energy and transportation sector.
The Energy Program launched the Kauaʻi Small Business Energy Efficiency Grant (SBEEG). This grant will operate alongside the Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative’s (KIUC) Commercial Retrofit Program, which provides funding for efficiency upgrades, including 1. air conditioning, 2. lighting, 3. motors, and 4. refrigeration. This grant, which will be managed by the Kauaʻi Economic Development Board (KEDB), will cover a percentage of labor costs associated with energy efficiency upgrades, while KIUC’s program can cover a percentage of materials costs for eligible projects. For more information and to apply, visit the program website here.
The County of Kauai is working in a Public-Private Partnership to explore the feasibility of a mobility hub and visitor information center at the Coconut Marketplace through a Mobility Hub Plan. For more information, visit our project website here.
The County of Kauai was awarded roughly $900k to expand our public charging network and install Level 3 Electric Vehicle Chargers on Kauai. We launched a public survey to get feedback for priority locations for the chargers and intend to install chargers in Koloa, Lihue, and Kapaa, aiming for island-wide fast charging coverage in coordination with HDOT’s NEVI project where they are installing Level 3 chargers on the West Side and in Princeville. Mahalo to Senator Schatz and Senator Hirono for making this joint request. Click here for more information.
The County of Kauai received a Department of Energy Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) grant in the form of technical assistance from the National Renewable Energy Lab and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The Office of Economic Development worked with a Federal/State/County/Private sector team and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute to study Kauai’s transportation system. The scope of work covered mobility data, a travel pattern analysis and emerging transportation technology, and a fast charger network. The partnering labs provided recommendations for multi-modal shift and electrification of transportation. The completed studies are available now:
Click here for more information on the award. is aimed to inform residents and visitors of the various sustainable transportation options available on Kauai.
The County of Kauaʻi will procure four battery electric buses and expand its base yard to prepare the infrastructure needed to transition its fleet to electric buses by the year 2035 and provide the space required to expand and improve transit service quality. For more information, contact Celia Mahikoa at [email protected] and see Dept. of Transportations Announcement here.
For more information, contact Christina Kaser at [email protected].
The Kauai Film Commission’s objective is to attract, support and facilitate all aspects of today’s media industry including film, digital and still photo production on Kauai. Kauai Film Commission also assists with: is a website detailing the Film Commission and the opportunities on Kauai available to filmmakers.
Application for the County of Kauai Film Permit –
For more information, visit, email Sandy Kaauwai at [email protected], or call 808-241-4953.
This website showcases the brands and products of KauaiMade members and can guide you through becoming a member. It is an excellent resource for supporting local businesses and finding excellent products.
For more information, contact Melissia Mae Sugai at [email protected].
The County’s General Plan is governed by the overarching theme of Kauaʻi Kākou: We’re moving forward together to collectively plan for a more sustainable Kauaʻi, in the spirit of malama ‘āina (stewardship of the land). The General Plan is the first plan to adopt sustainability as an overarching goal by, “growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting resources.” With this guiding vision, the objectives of the County’s Sustainability Program are: 1) to have county government lead by example by developing, adopting, and implementing sustainable practices and policies, and 2) to support and leverage community efforts that promote island sustainability.
“Sustainability means growing responsibly to meet the needs of current and future generations without depleting important resources.”
– Kauaʻi Kākou General Plan
The County has been awarded a Community‐Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and allows for the evaluation and preparation of a Brownfields Inventory, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), and a Clean Up and/or Reuse Plan for selected brownfield site(s).
For more information, visit the project website here or contact the Sustainability Coordinator.
Collaborate and partner with educators to provide work-based learning opportunities for students to learn about climate solutions and the various careers within green workforce.
The Office of Economic Development is part of the County’s Resiliency Team which is comprised of representatives from the Kaua’i County Planning Department, Kaua’i Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor’s Office, and the University of Hawai’i Sea Grant College Program. The Resiliency Team, led by the Planning Department along with consultant Raimi + Associates, is currently developing the Kaua’i Climate Adaptation & Action Plan (CAAP) to ensure our communities continue to thrive as the climate changes.
For more information and ways to get involved, please visit
The goal of Play Streets Kaua`i is to connect communities through active play by improving community designs for safe, accessible, and equitable access to physical activity. Play Streets, a place-based, low-cost, intervention that involve temporarily closing streets to create safe places and free opportunities for active play. OED is part of the Play Streets team including the Hawaii State Department of Health, the Planning Department, Get Fit Kaua`i, Na Lei Wili Area Health Education Center, and different community organizations. The first pilot event was successfully implemented in partnership with E Ola Mau Na Leo O Kekaha as part of the Kekaha Family Fun Day event on July 2nd.
For more information, or to host your own PlayStreets event, visit our website here.
For more information, contact Ana Española at [email protected].
© 2024 County of Kaua’i.
All Rights Reserved.