
Public Review

Public review will be done through an online tool called Consider.it, linked below.

Members of the public are encouraged to review the proposed projects, scoring and commenting on the proposals. The public scoring and comments will be included in the final evaluation of the projects.

Request for Proposal

APPLICATIONS for funding for the County of Kaua’i Innovation Grants will be available at 8am Hawaii Standard Time (HST) on August 1, 2024, for the County of Kaua’i Innovation Grants for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Applications must be received on or before 4:30 p.m. HST on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, via the Amplifund System. Applicants will be notified of funding during the week of October 21, 2024. 


We do not accept proposals through US Mail, email, hand delivered or by fax.  Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. The County reserves the right to reject any proposal.


The project funding period will be November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2025. The intent of the grant program is to deploy innovation on-island in the areas of small business, technology, transportation, agriculture, local manufacturing, creative industries, workforce development, circular economies, tourism destination management and product development. Proposals must identify a known deficiency, problem, or need within the Kaua’i community and deploy an innovative community project that will be or has been successful in other contexts. Proposals submitted shall be reviewed and considered for the receipt of funding, to applicant organizations.


Informational Webinar

A zoom meeting to discuss the RFP was held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. The webinar was recorded and can be accessed using the button below. The deadline for submitting written questions is Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. via oedgrants@kauai.gov. 

Notification of OED’s approval and recommendation for funding will be made the week of October 21, 2024.



If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact Therilynn Martin-Haumea at 808-241-4299 or tmhaumea@kauai.gov no later than August 9, 2024. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy. 

