When it comes to ground transportation, nearly 70% of Hawaiʻiʻs commuters currently choose to drive alone. The 2023 Commute Challenge aims to change that through a month-long state-wide behavior change initiative through a gamified platforms, participants will be encourages to explore alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking, carpooling and public transportation throughout the month of August. Changing behavior around sustainable ground transportation can collectively and sustainably improve the quality of life and health for Hawaiʻi residents while also helping to combat climate change.
The Commute Challenge is a month-long statewide challenge in August 2023 open to all Hawai‘i residents or all ages.
Participants of the Commute Challenge create an account on the STCH RideAmigos online platform where they will be able to track their trips and see their impact.
There will be mini-challenges that can individually compete to win prizes and leaderboards for both individuals and teams. Participants can participate individually or as a team with their coworkers (groups of about 10-20, exact number TBD).
Includes carpool, vanpool, bike, scooter, skate, walk, bus, rail, etc. Everything except single-occupancy driving! The challenge also includes all trips–not just your work commute.
There will be themes each week where STCH will spotlight a specific type of transportation. The themes will be:
- Week 1: Kickoff
- Week 2: Walk and Roll
- Week 3: Carpool/Vanpool
- Week 4: Bus and Rail

Last modified: July 12, 2023