For Residents
- Malama Kauai – Emergency Food Resources provides a complete list of food pantries on Kauai and the Keiki Food Access link has a list of free food resources for Keiki.
- SNAP: You can apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
- DaBux: If you receive SNAP benefits, the DaBux program provides 50% discounts on local fruits and vegetables by scanning a DA BUX Access Card at the checkout of any participating grocery store! Don’t have a DA BUX Access Card? Learn how to sign-up for one here.

Find What is Open and Connect with Local Farmers:
You can view a schedule of Farmers Markets on island here.
Malama Kauai’s Buy Local Directory contains a comprehensive and up to date list of farmers markets, CSA delivery options, on-farm pick ups and roadside stands, locally made foods and retail outlet. You can view their directory here.
The Kauai Humane Society offers assistance for pet owners, including a pet food bank.
For the latest health information and updates on COVID-19, visit the following websites:
- Hawaii Department of Health COVID-19 website
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization
Vaccines: Residents interested learning more about the COVID-19 Vaccine should visit: For more information, please visit:
Testing: Free COVID-19 Testing Is Now Available on Kauai. For more information, visit: Free COVID-19 Testing –
You can view a map below with the locations offering testing and vaccination.
For Health Care access and assistance as well as COVID-19 testing information, see the flyer below.

See below flyer for information on Tropic Care Kaua’i or visit

Free Mental Health Counseling – The County recently announced free mental health counseling for all residents. You can view the County press release for more information.
There are several organizations that provide mental health services on Kauai:
Child & Family Service (808) 245-5914 –
Free substance abuse counseling, domestic violence counseling for survivors and offenders
Hale Ho’omalu (808) 821-2520 –
Family center in Kapaa, offering counseling for individuals, groups, couples and families.
Nana’s House (808) 338-0252 –
Family center in Waimea, offering counseling for individuals, groups, couples and families.
Ho’ola Lahui Behavioral Health (808) 240-0194 –
Individual therapy on a sliding scale or insurance. Central, east and west side locations.
Kauai Hospice – (808) 245-7277 – Bereavement support groups, individual support, and more.
Kauai Family Guidance Center – (808) 274-3883 – Kaua`i Family Guidance Center (KFGC) provides intensive mental health treatment and case management services to the children and families of Kaua`i and Ni`ihau
McKenna Recovery Center– (808) 246-0663 – Substance abuse treatment, case management, and psychiatric services. telehealth available
NAMI is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness, and their loved ones who care for them.
Free in-home family therapy
Women in Need–
YWCA (808) 245-5959 Domestic Violence crisis line / (808) 245-6362
Free domestic violence counseling for both survivors and offenders, also trauma focused counseling
Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program The County of Kaua‘i has announced that administration of Kaua‘i’s 2021 Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program has been awarded to Kaua‘i Government Employees Federal Credit Union (KGEFCU). For more information, visit the website:
The County of Kaua‘i has launched Ho’ohana Kaua’i, a job connection service, serving employers and job seekers by providing resources and guidance that bridges the employment gap and connects our workforce and workplaces directly. We are located at the Hale Kōkua building home of the American Job Center. To receive assistance, please contact Michelle Lopes([email protected] or 241-4192) or Daniel Fort ([email protected] at 241-4948).
The American Job Center is dedicated to providing free services to job seekers and employers, including job search assistance, personal career planning services, training opportunities and HireNet Hawaii support. Hale Kōkua, which is home of the American Job Center, is open for business. Clients will be seen by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Those seeking computer services will be scheduled 45 minute time slots for computer use only. The office is open to a maximum of 5 job seekers at any time. The office is located at Līhu‘e Civic Center 4444 Rice St. Suite 302. Please call (808)274-3056 to reserve a time and date.
You can view a directory of additional resources for job seekers below…
To apply for Unemployment Insurance, visit the Unemployment Insurance website.
Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program The County of Kaua‘i has announced that administration of Kaua‘i’s 2021 Coronavirus Rental and Utility Assistance Program has been awarded to Kaua‘i Government Employees Federal Credit Union (KGEFCU). Applications to the program is anticipated to open the first week of May. For more information, you can read the press release or visit the website:
A full listing of housing assistance resources can be found below.

There are several programs to help residents pay their current utility bills as well as programs intended to provide assistance with home energy efficiency.
To support residents with current utility bills, many service providers are willing to waive late fees and maintain service for those affected by the pandemic.