JULY 23 – 25, 9AM – 3PM | anapacific.org
LĪHU‘E – The Office of Economic Development is partnering with the Administration for Native American’s (ANA) Pacific Region Training and Technical Assistance Center to host a no-cost, three-day Project Planning and Development (PPD) training at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Conventional Hall from July 23 to 25, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“Building capacity in our community to access funding opportunities is one of our primary goals at OED, especially for nonprofits serving our Pacific Islander and Native American Communities,” said OED Director Nalani Brun. “We have so much talent in our County, and the ANA Pacific TTA Center has an incredible grant writing process that can take a need from the community and turn it into a well-thought-out proposal that can service that need. We are so grateful for their partnership.”
This no-cost, in-person PPD training is for eligible nonprofit organizations only. Eligible nonprofit organizations must primarily serve Native Hawaiian, Sāmoan, Chamorro, Carolinian, Native American, or Alaska Native peoples and have a 51% or more Native-led Board of Directors.
Nonprofits can register for the Kaua‘i Project Planning & Development Training at anapacific.org. For questions, please contact Paige Okamura, the ANA Pacific Region T/TA Centerʻs Training Specialist, at [email protected].
The Project Planning and Development Training, developed and facilitated by ANAʻs Training and Technical Assistance Centers, is a gateway to planning community-led projects that advance the long-term goals of Pacific Islander and Native American communities. This three-day training equips these communities with the skills to overcome obstacles and develop an action-oriented, objective-based plan for producing positive outcomes for Native communities.
The project development process covered in this training will help organizations prepare proposals for various federal and non-federal funding sources. By the end of the training, organizations will have a comprehensive project outline that can be further developed for winning grant proposals or impactful project implementation plans.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, contact Michelle Rego at [email protected] or 808-241-4192 by July 16, 2024. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
See below for the official flyer:

Last modified: June 6, 2024