Malama Kauai invites Kauai’s commercial farmers and food producers to participate in a series of hands-on workshops focused on food preservation techniques. These workshops aim to help diversify your business, prevent food waste, and introduce delicious new products to Kauai’s community and visitors alike.
Led by Certified Master Food Preserver Kalen Kelekoma of Anahola, the workshop series will cover essential skills and knowledge to boost your success in the food and agriculture sector.
Benefits of attending:
- Develop New Skills: Learn various preservation techniques.
- Reduce Waste: Extend the shelf life of your produce.
- Improve Cost Savings: Preserve surplus harvests instead of letting them spoil.
- Increase Food Security: Ensure a steady supply of preserved foods during off-seasons or emergencies.
- Add Value to Produce: Create new products and potentially increase revenue streams.
- Build Community: Network with other farmers and food producers, sharing knowledge and experiences.
- Expand Market Reach: Explore new market opportunities for preserved products.
Preference is given to Moloa`a Irrigation Cooperative members but there are ample seats available for non-members. Register today

Last modified: July 26, 2024