kauaimade.net is a website that works with local creators and artisans to promote and sell their products. KauaiMade is an OED-run program that accepts applications and offers branding and retail opportunities to boost business.
The Office of Economic Development is dedicated to supporting sustainable, equitable economic growth for the island of Kaua’i. By partnering with impactful organizations and supporting innovative initiatives, OED ensures actions are taken that create better jobs, focus on supporting better living conditions and access to food, and progress energy and transportation methods on the island.
OED has put together web-based tools to provide specific solutions and information.
kauaimade.net is a website that works with local creators and artisans to promote and sell their products. KauaiMade is an OED-run program that accepts applications and offers branding and retail opportunities to boost business.
kauaimade.net is a website that works with local creators and artisans to promote and sell their products. KauaiMade is an OED-run program that accepts applications and offers branding and retail opportunities to boost business.
The film commission is an OED-based program that guides filmmakers through the appropriate processes and documentation necessary to create their fantastic works of art.
The film commission is an OED-based program that guides filmmakers through the appropriate processes and documentation necessary to create their fantastic works of art.
kauaifestivals is a resource compiled and managed by OED to increase awareness of local events. This tool is meant to bring people together and support activities that the community openly hosts.
kauaifestivals is a resource compiled and managed by OED to increase awareness of local events. This tool is meant to bring people together and support activities that the community openly hosts.
GetAroundKauai provides solutions related to transportation around the island. This informative website connects users with maps, bus routes, and information on the different ways someone can get around Kaua’i.
GetAroundKauai provides solutions related to transportation around the island. This informative website connects users with maps, bus routes, and information on the different ways someone can get around Kaua’i.
OED utilizes the research and findings of leading organizations in the community as guidance.
A collaborative, inclusive plan to drive policy, land use, and investment on Kauaʻi to meet the island’s specific needs, Kauaʻi Kākou paves the way for the next twenty years of action by using available information to predict the challenges that Kauaʻi will face and by working with the community to understand the needs and hopes of kamaʻāina.
Read more to learn about the background information driving the decisions made in the general plan and to understand the priorities of The County of Kauaʻi.
The Office of Economic Development worked closely with Kauaʻi Economic Development Board, the Office of State Planning, and members of the community to expand on the previous Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2016-2020). The 2022-2026 CEDS Plan focuses on developing the economy in industries other than tourism to diversify the workforce and take advantage of new opportunities.
The Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) analyses the conditions and outcomes of tourism on Kauaʻi. It then proposes objectives and actions in order to change the conditions of tourism to better benefit the island and Kauaʻi’s kamaʻāina.
Aloha United Way teamed up with United for ALICE and other partners to gather information on the realistic living costs required to sustain individuals and families. They expand on the Federal Poverty Line and argue that it takes more income than the poverty line to sustain a household.
This report takes real-world considerations to develop better labor policy and government assistance criteria. By painting a clearer picture of requirements to sustain a household, better action can be taken to improve conditions for working people and their families.
In response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kauai Economic Recovery Strategy Team was brought together to create action items for the County of Kauaʻi to make. The recommended actions are listed in this document and outline strategic steps intended to boost the island’s economic recovery.
Building Bridges focuses on ensuring a recovery strategy that addresses long-standing equity issues. The Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women recommends inclusion objectives to address the inequities and to build a better economic system with the recovery from COVID-19.
A collaborative, inclusive plan to drive policy, land use, and investment on Kauaʻi to meet the island’s specific needs, Kauaʻi Kākou paves the way for the next twenty years of action by using available information to predict the challenges that Kauaʻi will face and by working with the community to understand the needs and hopes of kamaʻāina.
Read more to learn about the background information driving the decisions made in the general plan and to understand the priorities of The County of Kauaʻi.
The Office of Economic Development worked closely with Kauaʻi Economic Development Board, the Office of State Planning, and members of the community to expand on the previous Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2016-2020). The 2022-2026 CEDS Plan focuses on developing the economy in industries other than tourism to diversify the workforce and take advantage of new opportunities.
The Office of Economic Development worked closely with Kauaʻi Economic Development Board, the Office of State Planning, and members of the community to expand on the previous Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2016-2020). The 2022-2026 CEDS Plan focuses on developing the economy in industries other than tourism to diversify the workforce and take advantage of new opportunities.
The Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) analyses the conditions and outcomes of tourism on Kauaʻi. It then proposes objectives and actions in order to change the conditions of tourism to better benefit the island and Kauaʻi’s kamaʻāina.
Aloha United Way teamed up with United for ALICE and other partners to gather information on the realistic living costs required to sustain individuals and families. They expand on the Federal Poverty Line and argue that it takes more income than the poverty line to sustain a household.
This report takes real-world considerations to develop better labor policy and government assistance criteria. By painting a clearer picture of requirements to sustain a household, better action can be taken to improve conditions for working people and their families.
Aloha United Way teamed up with United for ALICE and other partners to gather information on the realistic living costs required to sustain individuals and families. They expand on the Federal Poverty Line and argue that it takes more income than the poverty line to sustain a household.
This report takes real-world considerations to develop better labor policy and government assistance criteria. By painting a clearer picture of requirements to sustain a household, better action can be taken to improve conditions for working people and their families.
In response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kauai Economic Recovery Strategy Team was brought together to create action items for the County of Kauaʻi to make. The recommended actions are listed in this document and outline strategic steps intended to boost the island’s economic recovery.
Building Bridges focuses on ensuring a recovery strategy that addresses long-standing equity issues. The Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women recommends inclusion objectives to address the inequities and to build a better economic system with the recovery from COVID-19.
Building Bridges focuses on ensuring a recovery strategy that addresses long-standing equity issues. The Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women recommends inclusion objectives to address the inequities and to build a better economic system with the recovery from COVID-19.
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