The County of Kauai announced the launch of the Kupa`a Kaua`i Rise to Work program. This program will create temporary job opportunities for displaced workers on Kauai. The County is contributing $2 million dollars from the County’s share of the Federal CARES Act funding.
Positions with the Rise to Work program will include both part-time and full-time opportunities and will provide health insurance benefits to interested participants. Rise to Work hires will begin their temporary positions in September and are intended work for 12 weeks. Due to the time limitations with CARES Act funding, the hires will complete their employment by the end of December.
The program is intended to help displaced workers who have a variety of skills, from artists, graphic designers, project managers, landscapers and laborers, but Rise to Work is not limited to just those occupations.
If your business or organization is interested in hosting a Rise to Work hire and can create a meaningful opportunity for them to contribute to your organization or to the community, we encourage you to visit and complete the form for interested employers.
As we work with local employers to learn about their available jobs, the list of job opportunities will be posted on the Kauai Forward website. For more information, visit:

Last modified: September 4, 2020