
2025 Agriculture Farm Expansion Grant

Grant Recipients

Of the 18 proposals received, a selection committee reviewed and scored each eligible proposal. Upon careful consideration, 12 project proposals were partially or fully funded, for a total of $637,429.00. The Office of Economic Development is pleased to share the list of projects that received funding this year.

  • Kumano I Ke Ala O Makaweli: Maha`iha`i Restoration Phase 3 – Building out of 80 additional lo`i patches and enhancing `auwai systems to support traditional Hawaiian kalo production, including technical assistance on sustainable soil health practices, Korean Natural Farming techniques and planning & staff training to ensure restoration activities are optimized for ecological and agricultural success.
  • Waipa Foundation: Building Propagation capacity in Waipa – Expansion of Waipa Foundations plant propagation capacity of native & cultural plants, microgreens and vegetable seedlings to increase access to locally grown produce & strengthening community food systems for the only federally designated disadvantaged community on Kaua‘i.
  • CG Foundation: Lydgate Farms Expansion of Cacao, Vanilla & Honey – Expansion of Lydgate Farms including adding new varieties of vanilla and vanilla curing, additional apiary hives, a honey house, and additional planting of up to 167 cacao trees.
  • Ho`omalu Ke Kai: Laboratory Expansion for fishpond production – Laboratory expansion to expand micro-algae production, water testing, and general laboratory capacity at the Nomilo Fishpond.
  • Kukulu Kumuhana O Anahola: Ulupono Anahola Farm – Expansion of the Ulupono Anahola Farm including adding soil amendments, composting and mulching and preparation for a planting of 134 trees on an additional 3 acres.
  • Wai`oli Valley Taro Hui Inc: `Auwai Irrigation Ditch Repair – Repair of the `auwai irrigation ditch to improve and increase water flow to generate additional kalo for four farming business operations on 34 acres of lo`i.
  • Wai`oli Valley Taro Hui Inc.: Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Solar Pumps – Addition of RPS Solar Pumps to replace the current piping system to the `auwai to expand lo`i production and quality, including less disease and water stagnation.
  • Hawaii Farm Bureau Foundation: Ueunten Farm Resilience Plan – Mitigation of current and future challenges from disease, invasive species and weather events by producing on-site composted mulching material and wood chips to improve soil quality for additional farm production and orchard management.
  • CG Foundation: Common Ground Community Engagement with Regenerative Agriculture – Addition of farm infrastructure to increase plant propagation and increase farm yields enhancing Kauai’s long term ecological and economic sustainability.
  • Malama Kaua‘i: Makaweli Pu`ulima `Auwai Improvements – Ditch modernization project for an aging and deteriorating system used by 6 Makaweli Kalo Farmers that participate in the kalo to kula program, increasing usable acreage and kalo production.
  • Malama Kaua‘i: Olohena `Aina Center – Initial development of Phase 1 of the Olohena `Aina Project that encompasses 87 agricultural acres for a new agricultural park on the east side of Kauai.
  • Bee Team: Building a Regenerative Model Through Natural Beekeeping and Bridging Indigenous Agricultural Practices – Infrastructure improvement to expand apiary capacity & production, bolster the ecological and economic resilience of Kauai, expand locally sourced and handcrafted products and boost the immunity of Kauai people through the distribution of honey.

Request for Proposal

The Kauai County Office of Economic Development (“OED”) is requesting proposals for the Agriculture Farm Expansion Grant Awards for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. Project funding period will be March 1, 2025, to September 30, 2026. The intent of the grant program is to advance Kauai’s agricultural industry through targeted investments in the expansion of farming across the island. Proposals submitted shall be reviewed and considered for the receipt of funding, to proposed projects or program budgets for applicant organizations.

The full Request For Proposals can be found HERE.

SEALED PROPOSALS for the AGRICULTURE FARM EXPANSION GRANTS for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, must be received on or before 4:00 p.m. Kauai Standard Time, Thursday, January 2, 2025, via the Amplifund System. Awards will be made, and recipients will be notified during the week of February 3, 2025. Link to the Amplifund system can be found HERE.

We do not accept proposals through US Mail, email or by fax. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. The County reserves the right to reject any proposal.

The deadline for submitting written questions is Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 4:00pm via oedgrants@kauai.gov.

Notification of OED’s approval and recommendation for funding will be made the week of February 3, 2025.

If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact Therilynn Martin-Haumea at 808-241-4299 or tmhaumea@kauai.gov no later than November 23, 2023. Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request.

Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy. 

Informational Webinar

An informational webinar was held on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 4:00pm. You can view the recording of the webinar below

Amplifund Training Series

Video series for users accessing the AmpliFund applicant portal. This series reviews how to register on the portal, how to review an opportunity, how to complete an application including the budget template and performance plan template and other administrative functionalities of the applicant portal.